Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Freema Agyeman's Autograph from Gallifrey One

:) This past weekend I went to Gallifrey One, the Doctor Who convention in LA, and Freema Agyeman was there (Martha Jones). I wanted to get her autograph on something cute and unique, so I whipped up this drawing in an hour the morning of the last day of the con. I wanted to do this for all of the guests I wanted autographs from, but alas I had no time.

Freema's super nice, and the convention as a whole was awesome. I wore a Leela cosplay, which turned out  quite well despite being finished last-minute. This was my second Gally, but it was just as good as the first and I think I'm going to make this an annual thing for me.

I also need to get my butt down to Comic-Con.