Monday, March 25, 2013

Rough Storyboard - Astronaut

I recently took Rad Sechrist's storyboarding class, and though I never got any of the assignments finished because of busyness, I did do a few rough boards that I forgot to upload here at the time. The following board (after the break) was done for the prompt of "There's an astronaut in his spaceship, and some grave peril occurs." I feel like this could be the opening sequence of an episode of a show like Doctor Who, where the Monster of the Week strikes at some unsuspecting victim just before the opening sequence starts.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Superman Sketch

Yay more superheroes! I guess I just don't get enough of drawing them at work. Or something.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Captain Marvel

During my stay at WB, I've gotten a lot more familiar with the DC universe. I think one of my favorite DC characters now is Captain Marvel. Something very endearing about that sort of childish innocence in a superhero. I especially love him in Young Justice. He's all like, "HEY GAIZ YOU WANT TO HAVE NACHOS AND WE CAN HANG OUT IT'LL BE COOL!"